By Overflow - 16/08/2009 21:05 - United States

Today, I was desperate to teach my 2-year old to use her potty. I had to pee, and thought maybe she would learn by watching me use it. Everything was going well, until I realized that I had a long pee. So long that it overfilled her potty all over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 254
You deserved it 63 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You didn't think to show her by peeing in a big kids' toilet? YDI for that genius idea.

outofmyelement 0

eww, you used a toddler potty? you couldnt just use a toilet?


Totally agree with. Just like many have said you shoudn't rush potty training, it takes time and patience. Try potty training when the kid is a bit older.

Violet_Illuser 0

What's with this "Your child is only 2 years old!? That's too young! Wait until they're ready!" crap? A 2 year old is definitely old enough to learn to use the goddamn toilet. They don't need to be a "genius" to do so. No one in my family waited until 3 to train their kids to use the potty, and there are some real dumbasses in my family, so the intellect of the child has very little to do with it, unless they have a mental disability. From what I've seen, around 2 years old diapers don't work so well anymore, rashes are more prevalent and more leaks start to happen.

If the OP is resorting to demonstrating how to use the potty then clearly her child is interested yet! It's not a race, there's no badge for "training" your child. Although my son was dry, day and night, from 18months; he didn't want to wear undies and didn't want to use a potty so I didn't rush him, but it meant I only had to change 3/4 nappies each day or he pee-ed in the garden. He "trained" himself at 3yrs when he realised he could wear Bob the Builder undies and could use the big toilet.

swooshq 0

Dude, seriously? Isn't 2....a normal age to be potty training, I was out of diapers when I was like 1 and a half years old and I'm not a "mensa level genius" OP: oh that sucks, but you used a toilet for two year olds..

Um, 2 is a perfectly normal age for potty training. 3 seems kind of old, I don't know of any kid whose parents waited that long. There's a reason most nursery schools and daycare that start at age 2 or 3 require all kids be potty-trained. o.0

To all you geniuses who say "use the regular toilet!": I'm pretty sure the OP has tried this. Notice the use of the word desperate? Kid potties don't look exactly like the regular ones, especially from the little girl's perspective, and she's 2 freaking years old! It's not a big leap to guess that she wasn't making the connection. I agree, though, that if the child can't figure it out, she probably isn't ready. Changing diapers sucks, but it sucks more to be pushed to do things you aren't ready to do. And in reference to the creative child-rearing comment: Kids aren't cookie-cutter perfect. Creativity should be a requirement for parenting.

thank GOD she's only two and wont have that picture carved into her memory! YTDI

@ theirishjanedoe: what everyone was saying by "use the real toilet" was that she should hold it in if it about to overflow, and GET TO THE REAL TOILET. Its her fault for not being able to hold in her own urine. and you are just stupid for not even having yur facts straight.

Um, 64 7 9 11 16 17 18 33... Those are the numbers of the posters that said use the real toilet in the first place, to not use the kid's potty at all. There were maybe 2 posters that were talking about what you said. And I assume that the OP was just peeing, and she didn't realize it was overflowing until her feet were warm. She was probably looking at her kid and not into the potty to make sure it wasn't overflowing, because who would really expect it to overflow?

Did your daughter scold you and force you to put your nose in it so you'd know exactly what you did wrong?

thats funny but gross u shouldnt pee in front of ur daughter thats prbly gonna be her story first day of school about her fav memory


WTF! that can never happen. y would u lie about somethin like that?