By Overflow - 16/08/2009 21:05 - United States

Today, I was desperate to teach my 2-year old to use her potty. I had to pee, and thought maybe she would learn by watching me use it. Everything was going well, until I realized that I had a long pee. So long that it overfilled her potty all over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 253
You deserved it 63 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You didn't think to show her by peeing in a big kids' toilet? YDI for that genius idea.

outofmyelement 0

eww, you used a toddler potty? you couldnt just use a toilet?


youlose_ 0
wolfman1224 0

umm how much do you suck that you cant stop the flow of urine coming from your body? Retard.

Bullshet 0

That's really weird and disgusting. 

Fake, unless your bladder has like a 2 pint capacity

umm you didnt notice that it was about to overflow? thats when you ****** hold the rest in and get to the real toilet. "oh no! the pottys about to overflow! should i quickly get over to the real toilet? nah, ill just let it overflow around my feet while my kid watches." YDI for being a dumbass

JukeboxBunny 0

Haha oh my god, this is great!

EveryDayJackAss 0

teachin ur kid to properly urinate FAIL

why didn't u use the actual toilet?!?? don't u no ur suppose to take the urine out of the potty afterwards!??!

Ummm she's only 2 - are you seriously thinking a 2yr old is ready for toilet training? Give yourself AND your child a break and let them learn when THEY are ready. And yes, yes, I'm sure there's lots of people out there who toilet training their children at birth and those children are mensa level geniuses blah, blah, blah but honestly, if you're resorting to peeing in a potty clearly you need more training than your child.

dollface19 0

My mom has been nannying for kids since she was 15, she's now 50 and has not had ONE child still in diapers by the time they reach their second birthday. In england if a kid is still wearing diapers at 3 and 4, there's usually something wrong with it. A normal two year old is perfectly capable of learning how to use the toilet.

i_is_a_tr00l 0

YDI for peeing in a toilet. Everyone pees on the floor these days. GAWD!