By Overflow - 16/08/2009 21:05 - United States

Today, I was desperate to teach my 2-year old to use her potty. I had to pee, and thought maybe she would learn by watching me use it. Everything was going well, until I realized that I had a long pee. So long that it overfilled her potty all over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 253
You deserved it 63 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You didn't think to show her by peeing in a big kids' toilet? YDI for that genius idea.

outofmyelement 0

eww, you used a toddler potty? you couldnt just use a toilet?


I have a very hard time believing this... potties aren't THAT shallow that you could easily cause them to overflow. Are you a freaking race horse???

waterynuggets 0

Why don't you have a seat right over there...

How the hell did that support your ass? Or did you squat in front of your daughter. Either way, very inappropriate. You deserve it. I really wish that it had broke, and spilled all over your floor, and you. YDI. Sicko

Obviously you don't have children. Just shut the **** up.

NicoleAlexandra 0

How is it inappropriate?! She's the kids mom and the kid is two Calm down

Don't use the keyboard unless something intelligent is going to come of it. Idiot.

zanoty 17

Well I guess I can no longer use a keyboard...

YDI. you should teach her how you use yours so she can use hers. & how is this an FML? We didn't need to know and if you were looking for sympathy I don't think your gonna get any. BOO. This Sucks.! -_-

Cloudy_fml 0

If you really wanted to show her, why didn't you just use the regular toilet? If you keep her training potty in the bathroom, she'll get the idea.

[facepalm] Just use the ******* toilet... Unless you have her potty not in the bathroom? Who the hell does that...

Vacant 7

You're a girl, couldn't of you of easily stopped peeing once you realized it was filling up? I know I really don't have that hard of a time stopping myself while doing my business.

Agreed. That's what I was coming to stay. She should've stopped and moved to the real toilet.

Girl has nothing to do with it though, guys can stop too.

Null speaks the truth. If anything, we've got an extra line of defense, since we can stop at either the bladder (like women) or the urethra itself (which I'm assuming women can't really stop, unless they stick a finger into it? But being a male, I can't be sure, lol)

Vacant 7

Ah well, I wouldn't know that. I've always heard it only...sputters when a man tries to stop.

No worries, Vacant. I wasn't trying to sound mean or anything. Just couldn't figure out why you specified gender.

Weird...cause my husband always said that guys can't stop peing in the middle of it...he also claims that if a guy has to pee really bad he's not able to hold it in as long as a woman would... But for the longest time I've been assuming that he only says that stuff so I'll let him use the bathroom first when we both really have to pee... :p

I can.....He might be different though.

I'm a guy, and I can hold it for HOURS, and it's very very easy to stop.

N3VVRmiNd 0

Isn't that absolutely great? I find that quite amusing

delipoo26 0

ewww but you didnt know so fyl you dont deserve it.

lllo45 0

That would be even funnier if her potty broke.