By Overflow - 16/08/2009 21:05 - United States

Today, I was desperate to teach my 2-year old to use her potty. I had to pee, and thought maybe she would learn by watching me use it. Everything was going well, until I realized that I had a long pee. So long that it overfilled her potty all over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 254
You deserved it 63 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You didn't think to show her by peeing in a big kids' toilet? YDI for that genius idea.

outofmyelement 0

eww, you used a toddler potty? you couldnt just use a toilet?


missmarley93 1

omg hahahahhaahahahahaha that made me crack up!! awww! haha fyl!

I'm at the potty training phase with my daughter and the hole in her potty seat isn't big enough for adult butts. So how did you actually pee in her potty? Don't know about other potties but my daughters looks like it will hold 4 cups of pee and you peed enough to overflow it?

She wouldn't have to actually SIT on it to pee in it -_- and I'm assuming the opening is big enough for a stream of urine to fit... :P Doing it still sounds like a dumbass idea though!

ewww!! shouldnt this be written by your kid? "today my mom made me watch her pee. one day i'll grow up & have to see a shrink cos of this memory.. FML"

RideOorDiee 0

Ahaha you funny!! My niece get in trouble if she go in her pull up!!! Put fear into her heart!!! Now my niece be runnin around saying potty when she gotta fart just to be sure!!!!! Ahaha

What the hell is a long pee. Seriously youre just weird

you need to learn how to control it. I can stop mid-stream long enough to walk at least 10 feet.

lmfao. same here. also, is YDI mean you dumb idiot? Lol. seriously though.

JukeboxBunny 0