By lollipopp56 - 26/03/2009 06:09 - Canada

Today, I wanted to surprise my boyfriend by dressing up in sexy lingerie. When I went to answer the door he was standing there with a shocked expression, his friends parked in the driveway had the same expression as well. He came to break up with me. He told me after we had sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 149 324
You deserved it 13 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tucatz 0

And in the meantime his friends hung out in the driveway, right? Pure class that is. Be glad the jackass is gone.

Bubs_fml 0

Sounds like he deserves a Falcon Punch.


okay he was def an asshole and the fact that he brought his friends along to break up with you is retarded he is a baby haha and you really should be glad he's gone. he's a douche and you sound like you were a good girlfriend. there are plenty more guys out there and alot that wont treat you so bad also. just forget him.

#2 how the **** do you falcon punch a guy? A falcon punch is used on a pregnant female as an abortive measure. Tool. Bigups the boyfriend btw, never let a chance go by.

yo. some of you guys are actually really funny. his friends weren't sitting out there waiting, they just dropped him off. the reason they were in the driveway is cause they waited til he got inside. but ya. that was whack. :(

kellster 2

He brought his friends over to break up with you??? What a ********! I guess he thought it was going to take two seconds and then he'd be on his way again? Jeez. But why the hell did you have sex with him knowing that his friends were right there, waiting for him? On top of that, why would you ever answer the door in only lingerie? What if it hadn't even been him?

#1 said all I needed to say. Next time, don't be so eager to hop into bed.

i disagree with #1 so much hes your boyfreind you should be able to trust him like that...i had a guy to the same thing its one of the most inferating will find a better guy eventually and youll be so thankful that that asshole is gone

danzem 0

that is really terrible. you're better off without that jerk.

You in NO way deserved this. You were trying to have a sexy night with your boyfriend, and he totally used you. What an asshole. He'll probably end up getting some one-night stand pregnant with that kind of attitude, so just be glad he's out of your life... he'll get his one day.

kandy_fml 0

WTF #1? It's not like it was some stranger who knocked on her door. It was her boyfriend. Try not to be so much of prick. To the OP, FYL. He's a jerk.