By lollipopp56 - 26/03/2009 06:09 - Canada

Today, I wanted to surprise my boyfriend by dressing up in sexy lingerie. When I went to answer the door he was standing there with a shocked expression, his friends parked in the driveway had the same expression as well. He came to break up with me. He told me after we had sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 149 324
You deserved it 13 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tucatz 0

And in the meantime his friends hung out in the driveway, right? Pure class that is. Be glad the jackass is gone.

Bubs_fml 0

Sounds like he deserves a Falcon Punch.


synnerr 0

Rofl, I don't know why having sex while his friends were there is a big deal? If they're mature it's not an issue. Lol... Still funny. And #1 that's ****** up.

voice_of_reason 0

If he had told you first, I bet you still woulda ******. Wouldn't you?

theoldGP 0

wow he brought his friends with him, hahaha wow.


Hope you punched him in the balls. xP

Explain the sex in detail, please. XD

Cobragt932000 0

#29 I agree.. Girl you should make the call a really mess with him. If nothing else to back up the famed. Hell hath no furry like a scorn woman.

So what, his friends waited outside while you two had sex then he told you it was over? What a douche for one for wanting to break up with you in front of an audience and 2) you having sex with him while his friends waited outside.

what a ******* dick, didn't have the decency to decline if he was planning to break up.

now im not sure but im pretty sure he didnt have sex w/the OP right then i think he did like days or watev before and then came over to break up...y would his friends wait around in the driveway otherwise