By lollipopp56 - 26/03/2009 06:09 - Canada

Today, I wanted to surprise my boyfriend by dressing up in sexy lingerie. When I went to answer the door he was standing there with a shocked expression, his friends parked in the driveway had the same expression as well. He came to break up with me. He told me after we had sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 149 324
You deserved it 13 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tucatz 0

And in the meantime his friends hung out in the driveway, right? Pure class that is. Be glad the jackass is gone.

Bubs_fml 0

Sounds like he deserves a Falcon Punch.


Monty_Python 0

Your ex-BF is awesome! But FYL. You didn't deserve that one.

Erinx3 0

What an ass. Whoever says YDI needs a falcon punch(: I'm sorry. I hope you find someone who isn't a dick.

abbydoll1414 0

You probably shouldn't have had sex while his friend was there.

Well at least you know it wasn't because the sex was bad :)

thegoodlifeNOT 0

omg he's a douche! your prolly better off without him!

EffedUp 0

If your going to sleep with him while his friends are in the driveway you deserved it.

magiczipperman 0

hahaha bitch u got beatt. props to that guy too for boning such a stupid **** like you

wrestler_fml 0

Hmmmm....... maybe he should have changed his mind about the break-up, if he could do you every day. but you deserved that for being a hoe, nevertheless. You bang your b/f in private, not when other guys are downstairs and see you with the outfit! Good god. Well personally, idc, cuz im a guy... but YOU should have some self-respect, i know that...