By fmlll - 28/08/2009 15:08 - United States

Today, I wanted to be creative. I hid an engagement ring for my girlfriend inside one of her running shoes. I expected her to find it and wake me up, but she didn't. Later, when I asked if there was anything in her shoe, she responded, "There was a rock. I just shook it out outside. Why?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 099
You deserved it 59 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm really sorry to say it, but YDI, come on, a ******* shoe? I'd probably shake a "rock" off too without giving 2 flying ducks about it.

dakrock13 0


creative but stupid. YDI for not being romantic WHATSOEVER. Go look for it, I'm sure it'll show up :)

i guess its creative , but its not that romantic. maybe its best she didn't find it, unless shes not that type of girl.

leafsfan13 0

Very creative. AND smart (not really)

KandiiMt 0

Damn. That sucks. You shouldve tied it to one of the shoelaces.

creative is wonderful... but guys, remember what that ring is. it's a beautiful, very expensive piece of jewelry symbolizing love that is going to be worn on a woman's hand. in general, unless you know your girlfriend would appreciate otherwise, do NOT put a ring in: - food, esp. gooey dessert - drink, including milkshakes - the ground (eg, sand) - a helium balloon - SHOES

I read that there was a surgeon who buried an engagement ring in the sand and forgot where it was. I wouldn't want him operating on me.

YDI for being a coward to just get down on a knee and do it the traditional way. A fool and his money are soon parted.

alin_fml 0

Every other comment has the word creative in it 

hmm YDI if it was just the ring but kinda FYL if you left it in the box