By fmlll - 28/08/2009 15:08 - United States

Today, I wanted to be creative. I hid an engagement ring for my girlfriend inside one of her running shoes. I expected her to find it and wake me up, but she didn't. Later, when I asked if there was anything in her shoe, she responded, "There was a rock. I just shook it out outside. Why?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 099
You deserved it 59 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm really sorry to say it, but YDI, come on, a ******* shoe? I'd probably shake a "rock" off too without giving 2 flying ducks about it.

dakrock13 0


aww, that was pretty creative, I must say.... too bad she didn't realize that the rock wasn't in the shoe when she took them off, and it was too big of a rock to come from inside your house...

triplethreat13 0

you don't put a freakin engagement ring inside a shoe! it would be ok if it were in the little ring box but seriously? come on!

should have left it in the box, and put the box in ... her shoe? the fuccck ?

Shadow_Phantom 26

...imo, if she's that brainless enough not to look, then break up with her.

mrda 0

U wanted to be creative but ended up being retarded. Ydi for such an idiotic idea.

why the hell did you think that was creative ? b.c I doubt she would think to look @ the " rock " before she throws it -_-

mina_8 0

Sometimes it's better to not be creative...

Ew. I wouldn't want my engagement ring smelling like feet first of all.

what a ****** dumb ass who puts it in a shoe dam idiot