By fmlll - 28/08/2009 15:08 - United States

Today, I wanted to be creative. I hid an engagement ring for my girlfriend inside one of her running shoes. I expected her to find it and wake me up, but she didn't. Later, when I asked if there was anything in her shoe, she responded, "There was a rock. I just shook it out outside. Why?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 099
You deserved it 59 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm really sorry to say it, but YDI, come on, a ******* shoe? I'd probably shake a "rock" off too without giving 2 flying ducks about it.

dakrock13 0


lovesucksxxx 0

That's odd and boring anyway. Propose to her in a way that is meaningful and specific to her. Also, like #104 said, be direct and it'll be more powerful.

Since she apparently loves running, I would think hiding it in her running shoes technically IS meaningful and specific to her. Obviously there is too much room for fail there, though, he should have thought of something else running-related.

xkitten 0

Wow,if I would of found a ring in my shoe I would of been like wtf?! Luckily my fiance didn't do an idiot move like that.

Why would you put the ring in her shoe and then leave (at least long enough for her to put on the shoes and leave home)? I mean, wouldn't you want to be in the room at least when she found it? Kind of dampens the whole proposal if she wants to say yes. Or was she supposed to call you with her answer? YDI.

splenda789 0

I didn't think this was creative at all, who would do that?

Sooner_Or_Later 0

^^^ haha yeah, should've at least done that.

this is what happens when people put rings in stupid places. romantic, bit impractical. the entire idea is antiquated, anyway. i want to be with her forever... think I'll give her a shiny rock. oooooh, pretty! honestly? who thought of this?

It's the band, not the stone, that is supposed to count. Something along the lines of "this never-ending circlet represents our ongoing love" .... SOMETHING like that. Some people like to pretty it up to show they cared enough to get more than just a plain band. Sometimes they do it in a fashion that suits the recievers interests (particular inscriptions, their birthstones, little designs/patterns, etc). But in the end, it's the fact the band that is the initial significant part.

jdb2009 0

I hope the ring was ******* expensive, yeah, I do. Try a more reasonable place to put a surprise ring, fool.

"Romantic gestures" like these are stupid. Girls won't care how you propose, as long as you do it; and in this case, the reaction would be more of "Uh, whut".

I was about to disagree with you, but then I thought more about it. So I disagree with you to some extent. A girl would love to be proposed to in a place that has meaning to her or to the relationship. A girl would love to be proposed to through means of something of value to her... (for example, finding an old doll she always wanted as a child, and attaching the ring to it). A girl would hate to be proposed to on the toilet. A girl would hate to be proposed to in any other inconvenient area. Other than that, nah, probably wouldn't care.

It didn't work for Hank Azaria in Run Fatboy Run, it sure as hell isn't gonna work IRL! =P