By theycallmekitty - 11/01/2013 00:02 - United States - Decatur

Today, I've been struggling with my English paper for the past hour, because I can't concentrate. This is because my mom is in the room next to me, singing to her pet rat about what a cute little boy he is, in between yelling at him to stop "molesting" her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 331
You deserved it 3 023

theycallmekitty tells us more.

He's not a mouse...he's a rat. There's a big difference. Also, don't feel bad for him, he is definitely a mommas boy....

Top comments


It said that her mother was playing with her pet rat, and yelling at it to stop molesting her.

bmgt 4

Rats! ...Wait till she is asleep and take care of it. There is a permanent solution to your problem.

Even if what you're implying wasn't a completely sociopathic solution, I would imagine that the mother's inevitable grief would pose a greater distraction to OP, and for a longer duration.

cwjb99 9

Wtf why is she even talking to a rat in the first place dumb people i swear are stupid

"Bonding". Aka rat-induced molestation.

I talk to my dogs & my ferret all the time!! They're very good listeners, they don't interrupt and they don't give bad advice! The best part is, they love me unconditionally!

"dumb people I swear are stupid" No, really?

Yongchi 11

What in the absolute unholy Hell...?

unknownfork 12

I think owning a rat in general makes her psychotic.

I'm the one who got the rat o: I guess I'm crazy too.

Razi_tail 25

Thank you 51 for your broad generalization that anybody with a pet rat is crazy. I must be extra crazy since I have two right?

MiloBear 11

I don't even know what that makes me since I have nine rats lol

Yongchi 11

Yes, as if everyone else wasn't already thinking that. "Eww" and "wtf". Your comment is so unique.

How do you keep your rat safe from your cat noor!? :O