By theycallmekitty - 11/01/2013 00:02 - United States - Decatur

Today, I've been struggling with my English paper for the past hour, because I can't concentrate. This is because my mom is in the room next to me, singing to her pet rat about what a cute little boy he is, in between yelling at him to stop "molesting" her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 331
You deserved it 3 022

theycallmekitty tells us more.

He's not a mouse...he's a rat. There's a big difference. Also, don't feel bad for him, he is definitely a mommas boy....

Top comments


MiloBear 11

I do pretty much the same thing with my rats. I tell them they are the prettiest rats in the world. Then when they play with me and they are "winning" I say, "Nooo, don't eat me! Don't eat me!" and I pretend to eat them back while giving them belly kisses. I'm sure one day my human kids will be so embarrassed of me ^_^

andiw 6

I was dying to see the comments on this, wtf? Lol.

nckjyc 13

Are you sure she's taking to her pet rat

And they whirled and they twirled and they tangoed sigin and jingin the jango floatin like the heavens above it looks like muskrat love

If it was a pet mole, molesting would sound funny lol

hiandrews69 29

My mom does that shit too. Except we have 4 dogs. The only boy, she calls her "little molester." The girls are all ******. She's a very profanic woman I guess.

Does the rat have a name not unlike Lemmiwinks?

Perhaps it is time to invest in large rat traps? After the rodent "mysteriously" escapes its cage, of course...

TheMajesticBeard 2

If it's molesting her, why didn't you go help?