By budbunny13 - 30/06/2011 23:08 - United States

Today, I saw a pink, slimy thing coming out of my dog's knob. I got really freaked out so I took him to the vet, only to find out that it was his penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 681
You deserved it 63 995

Same thing different taste


ThatLovelyGeek 0

Be happy,That might be the only penis you'll ever see...

fudgeness 0


NanoGirl 4

And it was about this time that people began to lean more towards the selective breeding of humans, because some people are too stupid and should have drowned in the shallow end of the gene pool.

sorry, but you comment made no sense to me whatsoever. 0.o

it doesn't matter if you're a girl or guy, it just means that you've never seen a d**k

Tyujhg4545 4

Idiot. If you don't know this, do you know it needs food and water daily? How about excersize? Even if you don't do it, the dog needs it.

xxfilgurl 0

i wonder what the vet's reaction was...

SadisticStephyy 21

I'm just gonna sit here and assume OP doesn't get much action... That sucks :(