By budbunny13 - 30/06/2011 23:08 - United States

Today, I saw a pink, slimy thing coming out of my dog's knob. I got really freaked out so I took him to the vet, only to find out that it was his penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 681
You deserved it 63 992

Same thing different taste


hightechlimos 3

just when i thought nobody can be this stupid i stand corrected


You are literally too stupid to insult.

bleedlikeagod 6

please don't breed. That kind of stupidity shouldn't be passed on.

SlaveToRetail 10

I wonder how many of these idiot moments YOU'VE had? As if you're so perfect.

wow you haven't had a dog before huh?

superpacker85 0

nehhh whats up doc? (bugs bunny voice)

zacheimz 0

why were you looking at his dick? Dog Pedifile

You're such a stupid... No jk that's embarrassing

i can only imagine.......its a boy! what! how cid that happpen?