By asdffhhjk - 15/05/2013 08:08 - Philippines - Makati

Today, I saw a coin on the ground. As I bent over to pick it up, some dude came up from behind, grabbed my waist and humped me three times. He ran away before I could get a good look at his face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 097
You deserved it 9 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I literally lol'd but in a serious note that's fd up

Did you want to see it was the humping that good?

MinnieBitch 5

That's why I never bend over I always crouch down.

That happened to me once, but instead of running away, he ended up on the ground with a broken nose. I had bolted up and elbowed him. He still runs away from me whenever he sees me. >:)

oooohh I'd have chased that ****** down

MoroseMoose 47

That is so awful. I'm sorry OP