By asdffhhjk - 15/05/2013 08:08 - Philippines - Makati

Today, I saw a coin on the ground. As I bent over to pick it up, some dude came up from behind, grabbed my waist and humped me three times. He ran away before I could get a good look at his face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 097
You deserved it 9 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Some guys are like that OP, 3 humps and its over.

I wonder who put the coin there???

And why do 3400+ people think op deserved to be humped?? Lol

i was thinking how nasty the world got when i read this.....till i noticed OP is a guy....xD FYL bro rofl

You know what's creepier, my friend told me a similar story.

Narcisse_fml 25

I'd hate to think about what would've happened if you'd squatted down instead of bending over.

royalsgrl 14

Don't get how she deserved ydi!!! How does anyone deserve that from a strange man. Sexual harassment

Lol that's happened to me in high school by both genders. But they were my jackass friends, not some stranger. ._.'

Why would you bend down with your ass up in the air? Not very lady like.