By SharkWeek - 27/10/2013 15:26 - United States - Wrightsville

Today, I reminded my husband that I was on my period, so he wouldn't try to fool around with me. A few hours later, his goldfish-like memory kicked in and he stuck his hand down my pants while we were going to bed. I was wearing a maxi pad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 752
You deserved it 5 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's pretty nasty, but it seems like he would have learned his lesson.

Looks like he was caught.. Red handed... YEEEAAAAA xD


He was thinking with his other head!

I can understand it being uncomfortable but I don't understand the huge deal about having sex on your period, sure if you don't want a mess than it probably won't be your cup of tea but I would really call this more of a funny situation more than a fml one. You guys are married!is it really an issue

Djasso18 15

time to let him earn his "red wings"

Sticking your hand down someone's pants without permission, even if you're married, is usually not okay. Unless your partner has explicitly said that they like getting surprised groped, it's a violation.

You have got to be kidding me...a smack on the ass is considered groping, but it is flirty and fun for couples to do that stuff. You must be a major stick-in-the-mud. I'd hate to be your SO.

Agreed. A lot of people do not like being touched without prior warning. It's not being a "stick-in-the-mud", it can be a complete turn off or quite upsetting for some people. Hopefully as they're married, they know all these sorts of things about each other, but since he stuck his hand there even though she specifically said she was on her period, I'm guessing he's not the best at listening and respecting boundaries. Not all couples are the same, #170.

Is it really that bad? He's your husband.. I wouldn't even think twice if my boyfriend accidentally did this to me. I don't see how this is an FML.

Guess he just got caught.. Red-handed! (Badum-tsh)