By SharkWeek - 27/10/2013 15:26 - United States - Wrightsville

Today, I reminded my husband that I was on my period, so he wouldn't try to fool around with me. A few hours later, his goldfish-like memory kicked in and he stuck his hand down my pants while we were going to bed. I was wearing a maxi pad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 752
You deserved it 5 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's pretty nasty, but it seems like he would have learned his lesson.

Looks like he was caught.. Red handed... YEEEAAAAA xD


Could have been worse, my ex literally screamed like a little girl and was shaking his hand trying to get it off of him. His first time doing it during a period.

allisadawn91 8

Ha! I'm sure he won't forget again!

He totally deserved it! Maybe next time, he'll listen.

Good thing he is ur husband and not ur boyfriend. That would be 10 time worse if it was ur boyfriend!!

YDI for marrying a guy that does not listen and does not respect boundaries shown by how after you told him no he still stuck his hand down your pants and your comment about his memory suggests this isn't the first time he dismissed your No and disregarded your consent for sexual activities.

There is nothing wrong with fooling around while in Ur period!!! I really wish chicks would stop being such babies!! It helps with cramps, headaches, and the awful bloating that comes along with it!! Get over it and don't knock till u try it!!

This is a favorite only because of the OP's name.