By Hairball - 01/09/2009 18:05 - United States

Today, I realized the person I had been habitually stealing bag lunches from at work made me a canned dog food sandwich. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 445
You deserved it 404 753

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gigi37 0

Well, that's what you get for stealing someone else's food. What, were you too lazy to make your own? It's not that expensive to get a dollar hamburger Are you really expecting sympathy on here?


crownme 0

you nasty dirty ass poor bitch! go get your own ****** lunch why the **** would you do that YDI !!!!

You're leaving someone else without food so you're not hungry. You deserve to eat dog food, asshole.

I'd have put worse in there than dogfood, and I'd have mixed it with some Dave's Insanity Sauce. I hate thieves.

I clicked both FYL and YDI because I don't know if you were stealing it because you couldn't afford food or if you were just being a jackass. If it's the first, I'm sorry. If that's the case, explain to your co-worker and apologize... who knows, if you mention it, they might be generous and share.

teh_dude 0

More like **** His Life b/c he wasn't getting to eat his freaking sandwiches, bitch.

infidelboy 0

he has a job! no way he cant afford something cheap to eat at least

boatkicker 4

If someone has a job, then they are able to afford food, because NOTHING comes before food. Two winters ago I lived in a house with no running water, and no heat (in Massachusetts) and for a two week period in january, no electricity. However, I did not go hungry, because if given the option of "take a shower or not-starve" I'd choose not starving. I showered at friends houses, and neighbors. If you go up to someone you know and say "Hey can I use your shower?" a lot of people wont say no. I filled up gallon jugs of water in thier sinks for cooking and washing dishes. I slept with a shit-ton of blankets, and wore my winter coat around the house to keep warm. No excuse for stealing food if you have a job.

#137, poverty is not a reason to steal. Is he so broke that he will starve to death if he doesn't, and no food bank in town will help him? Does he have no friends who can float him money for ramen and PB&J? Has he exhausted every resource? If so, maybe I can see the occasional theft out of absolute life-or-death necessity, but this guy just sounds like a douche who's too cheap or lazy to feed himself, or thinks bcause he's on a shoestring budget he "deserves" what someone else has. The only thing he deserves is the dog food sandwich and a big YDI.

lolzforfun228 3

YDI for stealing his food, ya freakin moron.

You actually want people to feel sorry for you? You're making a person go hungry every day, and why can't you make your own stupid sandwich yourself? YDI, douche.

Glam_fml 0

Did you really expect to get anything except YDI? I mean, you were stealing someone's property. You are lucky the person didn't put rat poison and/or a strong laxative in it. Asshole.

mannix_fml 0

Do we even have to mention "YDI"? But dude, that is AWESOME. Kudos to the lunch packer.