By Hairball - 01/09/2009 18:05 - United States

Today, I realized the person I had been habitually stealing bag lunches from at work made me a canned dog food sandwich. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 445
You deserved it 404 753

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gigi37 0

Well, that's what you get for stealing someone else's food. What, were you too lazy to make your own? It's not that expensive to get a dollar hamburger Are you really expecting sympathy on here?


Yeah you should have gotten a three course meal instead, asshole. You're lucky it was only dog food, I would have poisoned it, and went out to eat.

You're a jerk and you deserve every bite.

Did you really expect anyone to sympathize with you on this one?

YDI, just be thankful that that's all he could think of to put in the sandwich. Next time make your own sandwich bitch!

ElMundio87 0

what the hell is wrong with you? make or buy your own sandwiches, dipshit

NaziZombie 0

Very true, Plexico. Hopefully he'll throw it up and have to taste again the mystery-meat made out of parts from which animals piss and shit.

I wonder how it tasted.. Please tell us Hairball, did you just get humiliated or was it actually the taste that forced you to share this FML? Tell the guy who made the sandwich that you saw this guy from the upper floor (etc..) puking in the bathroom for an hour after lunch break, and stay away from those sandwiches starting now!

sublime93 0

What a prick, you're lucky it wasn't shit cause that's what i'da done

Seriously...there's no reason. Different situation: some points I forgot my lunch money at school,and because I have friends there, they gave me a salad (one hates veggies, and it came with a sub) and one gave me 50¢ t buy cookies :) there are always options, and you have a job, and money, so there's no reason to make a habit out of stealing.

visage 0

lol, like I said earlier... I'd have mixed in several sources of DNA for him to chew on. Inconsiderate POS's like that deserve to enjoy lunch 2girls1cup style!