By Username - 05/12/2010 17:04 - United States

Today, I realized that before I can legally drink, I will have been married, divorced, and pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 855
You deserved it 84 577

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How do you know they slept around in high school? Here's some math: Marries at 18 (we have seen why this is becoming less common), gets pregnant a year later (now she's 19), marriage fails (because they were young and didn't think it through) and she will probably be 20 before the divorce is finalized. Perfectly reasonable scenario, not a ****, and still too young to drink. #10--asshole. Go back to remedial modern day society classes, and adjust your views of this country. God, some people are so out of touch.

I laughed that you said it's "not hard." you must be getting help.


You know, it only takes having sex once to get pregnant

what has our world come to? ooh yeah... he'll

lidemocr 0

oh yeah that happens ONLY in the South... don't be an ignorant asshole

mandypandypants 4

im gonna guess and say you're from tennessee bunch of white trash people there.

robinsn 0

A good case for the drinking age to be lower or the legal marriage age to be higher... not sure which. You are in charge of your own destiny. To an extent. In your case, 100% in charge.

kreally 0

Of course, YDI for getting married at such a young age.

mjcdsjf 0

Golddiggers. Muy grande problemo senor.