By L_lives - 30/05/2015 05:40 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I realized out how sad my love life is when I got excited that the number a girl gave me turned out to really be hers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 449
You deserved it 2 969

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Always take that chance when you get one from someone you like.

Am I the only one that prefers to be texted than called?


Dude !! At least you got a number !!

MdMan2 23

I'm pretty sure he already called because he found out it was her actual number

SaniK 17

Why waste any time posting fmls, you got her real number!

Hey good for you man, best of luck!

I don't see how that's sad, but nice!

idxntgiveafxck 17

I'm kind of surprised, even if the guy is good looking or he seemed real nice and genuine, I would still feel uncomfortable giving the dude my number. It's nothing personal, it's just an awkward feeling. So whenever a girl doesn't give you her number, don't feel too bad for yourself, it's not you, it's her. Lol.

#58: So how do guys get ahold of you?

36, that's almost as rude as honking.

That's not sad at all! You never know if she's excitedly waiting for that call or text from the cute guy that asked for her number. The door swings both ways.

Well it doesn't have to be sad anymore. Call her!