By ripo95 - 26/11/2008 06:18 - France

Today, I put my hand up in class. I forgot that I hadn't shaved. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 780
You deserved it 46 539

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WRONG. My boyfriend doesn't understand why women need to shave and says it's perfectly natural to have hair there. And I don't shave often. It's great. And to the person that said I'll never get laid, you're wrong! Assholes. Women, stand up for yourselves! You don't need to put up with guys that make you change, find a guy that will accept you the way your are. Most guys expect that you take them as you are, so make them do the same. When a girl asks a guy to shave down under it's a huge 'no ******* way' but the moment a girl is asked to shave and she says no, it's like the end of the world. Well if you wont shave, I wont either.


there is a girl who never shaves there and wears tank tops everyday. i survive seeing that and so will your classmates

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

ASFHSKEDF --- Thank you! XD you just reminded me to go shave before I head off to my aunt's tomorrow to go swimming. xD lmao. and that's happened to me before. sucks. but.. you'll get over it. :D

Musicsthecure 8

girl dont listen to the haters. its happened to mostly all girls at leastone time in their life if not yet it will soon,

triplethreat13 0

oh god, how many times have i done that? far too many. lower your hand and bend your elbow, just enough so that there is a crease in your armpit that makes hair unnoticeable

try shirts with sleeves. Even t-shirts are better than nothing.

Don't worry about it. So you have some underarm hair. Lots of people do.

Why is it only ok for men to have underarm hair? It's just ******* disgusting on a man. On a woman it's not so bad.

#42; it's not okay. Some men have atucally realised this and shave/wax their armpits. :) Just look at men's gymnastics.

aerosmith3312 2

So it's nasty on men, but ok on women? what backwards ******* culture do you come from?

its embarrassing but i dont think its that much of a big deal..