By ripo95 - 26/11/2008 06:18 - France

Today, I put my hand up in class. I forgot that I hadn't shaved. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 780
You deserved it 46 539

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WRONG. My boyfriend doesn't understand why women need to shave and says it's perfectly natural to have hair there. And I don't shave often. It's great. And to the person that said I'll never get laid, you're wrong! Assholes. Women, stand up for yourselves! You don't need to put up with guys that make you change, find a guy that will accept you the way your are. Most guys expect that you take them as you are, so make them do the same. When a girl asks a guy to shave down under it's a huge 'no ******* way' but the moment a girl is asked to shave and she says no, it's like the end of the world. Well if you wont shave, I wont either.


bigmuslim 0

God who cares u have armpit hair as long as it isnt like a guys people arent gonna avoid u for it

my friend says she wont go near me if i forget to shave my pits

poiopop 0

Oh no it's the end of the world

happygoluckyhh 0

Teenage's the end of the world. Get off your fat ass and shave! Problem solved.

nentenkupo 16

Where in the fml does it say op is fat?

annaattack 0

Lol @ 14. Besides that, these middle schoolers need to get off this site. This is NOT an FML. If you push the fact that it is, I'm just going to say it's a stupid, pointless one. No one cares. Maybe if someone picked on you about it, then it may pass for an FML. But it didn't happen. No one freaking cares.

boricua_4life407 5

Whoever doesn't get it; the OP is likey to be a female who hasn't shaved their pits in a while.

if it's just a little stubble no big deal. Unless you forgot to shave for like two weeks.

princesskitten 0

Why would you be concerned about that? Do you have bushes growing under your arms or something?

123sploosh 0

wow most of you people are *****. go awayyyyyy

testing_fml 0

@OP: eeehw. That's disgusting. We're not in the eightees anymore, girl. Thank god.