By lalalasmiles06 - 04/09/2010 03:47

Today, I put a tampon in. The string broke. I had to go to the hospital to get it out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 952
You deserved it 7 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dynky 3

you couldn't just use your fingers? the string shouldn't really be necessary...

Oh dear. Maybe buy a better brand next time?


This is a legit FML. I don't even want to make a joke about it :(

Wow, that just have been awkward explaining to people you know.

Why would you even need to mention it in the first place?

People are usually curious when a friend or family member goes to hospital. Just in case it's something serious.

fmlwinnn 0

now I think I'm afraid to put a tampon in....

I don't understand how you couldn't get it out. even without the string it'd be quite straight forward.

UnicornsDoExist 0

That's uh... very unfortunate >.>

21 - dw, I'm scared to put a tampon in to....

why can't I fall asleep it's 4:45 why can't I fall asleep it's 4:45 why can't I fall asleep it's 4:45 why can't I fall asleep it's 4:45 why can't I fall asleep it's 4:45 why can't I fall asleep it's 4:45 why can't I fall asleep it's 4:45 why can't I fall asleep it's 4:45 why can't I fall asleep it's 4:45??

upsidedownseven 0

OP are you a bit slow? Why are you using tampons if your to scared to remove them without the string? This FML made me lol alot

1frostedcupcake 0

read the post again. she said that she put it in and the string broke, she didnt purposefully do it...