By jedd90 - 08/07/2009 14:37 - United States

Today, I overdrew my account and ended up paying an extra 35 bucks for a 1.99 item. It was an application on the iPhone that is supposed to help me keep track of my money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 692
You deserved it 52 776

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skullbuster 0

Well, if you didn't have $1.99 in your account - you should probably skip buying apps on the iPhone and do things the old fashioned way. I mean, honestly, it doesn't sound like you have much money to keep track of anyway so I think a notebook and a pen would probably do the trick (or use that Notes app and the calculator on the phone)!


speak_a_da_truth 0

Call the bank and bitch up a storm threatening to kill their first born, etc, etc. You get the picture. Get the supervisor if it's your first time they'll wave it. If you play the nice guy when you call they'll make you pay. It's always the people that throw the biggest fit that get their way, I was a person that you called for a bank in college and the nice ones always just said "Oh well it's my fault I'll just pay it!" So then I'd call back the nice people in like 5 minutes tell them to call back and start bitching to get their way. Trust me it works.

Yes he should call the bank and bitch, because he's stupid and can't keep track of his money. He's also stupid for paying for an Iphone app that other phones get for free. I've had a free banking app on my phone for the longest. If I were the teller I'd just put the phone down while you yelled, waited til you finished, laughed at you for thinking that would actually work on me, then hung up.

Wrong. When I get an asshole customer then my attitude is, "Why, Sir Dickington, you can go **** yourself." But if I get a nice customer, the EXACT OPPOSITE is true- I will bend over backwards (and sometimes even bend the rules) to help them. Please don't listen to this douche nozzle.

CountDuk 5

I don't think a lot of people get this one: This is not a "You Deserved It", it is an "Your Life is F*****" because he didn't do anything wrong or stupid. The app had a hidden fee associated with it and therefore cost him $37. The extra part is that the app was supposed to help him keep track of his money, therefore: Your Life is COMPLETELY f****ed!!

dakrock13 0're an idiot. it was not a hidden fee.....the 35 dollars was the overdrafting fee since he didnt have 1.99 in his account, so yeah he did do something stupid.

checkitoutt 0

actually the app didnt have any hidden fee (if you learned to read) you would see that it says he overdrafted, meaning that he didnt have enough money in his account, not that the app actually costed $37 but that thats how much he was charged in the end.

fmlcrycrycryfml 0
CountDuk 5

Shit sorry I was thinking if a different overdraft.. so sorry damn video games and their fake money systems suck balls... my bad but still FHL for being born a douchebag;) (my iPod actually autocorrected doicichebag to douchebag.. lol I've never typed it in before on here either lol)

You sure need help to get track of your money if you own an iPhone.

This wouldn't have happened if you had a G1. G1 FTW

skullbuster 0

Listen, I can abide by alot of things without comment. We can call this guy irresponsible, we can mock him for buying an app for his phone to keep track of his money when he doesn't even have $1.99 in his account, we can suggest he use online banking, use the free apps, a pen and paper, we can tell him to suck it up, or blame the bank for their fee gouging when this guy didn't even have $2, make plans to terrorize the bank and it's staff, call the bank staff *****, share our pathetic stories about how we had $200 in the bank but spent $300 and isn't life a ******* blow, and delve into deep philosophical debates about what constitutes a 'real' overdraft... but where we all have to draw the line is when we start badmouthing the IPHONE!!! That is the phone that God uses when he needs to make a call (just ask the United Methodist bitch from the other posts), and Jesu-oops, sorry, Steve Jobs is a modern day messiah. Of course this assho- I mean, OP, has an iPhone, it's a must and I'm sure it is an unusual occurrence for him to have less than $1.99 in the bank. I'm going to start organizing a benefit in your name OP...