By hairless - 09/10/2011 03:53 - Canada

Today, I learned the hard way that your little brother is not joking when he threatens to shave your eyebrows if you don't let him watch cartoons. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 441
You deserved it 6 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

_Vamp_ 9

And you can't either gangsta beiber. It's past your bed time you silly goose.


Teach him you're not joking when you promise to beat the shit out of him for it.

ikickgingers 15

7 - you are always so freaking nice. I don't know if the rainbows shooting out of your ass is making me slightly nauseated or slightly turned on. :/

thrAsHeRr9081 16
Buttsexpirate 9

He was very nauuughty. (A cookie from my personal hidden stash for whoever gets the reference)

superguppy19 3

Now your an emotionless bastard lol

wow only thing u need to do now is shave ur head and u will look like the cone heads

I rather not know where you keep your hidden cookie stash :D

ikickgingers 15

59- if its not python... Idk but I want a cookie!!!

Well the drawn on look is kinda in right now

hurtandabused 7