By Anonymous - 15/12/2015 18:10 - Germany - Munich

Today, I had to work late. Due to delayed trains and a missed connection, it was almost midnight when I finally got home. When I walked into the bedroom, I found my girlfriend wearing sexy lingerie and fast asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 965
You deserved it 2 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Make a date for another night and make sure your gf knows how disappointed you are. On one hand it sucks that you missed out but the bigger picture is that you have an awesome girlfriend. Chin up x


Sathane 21

I emotionally couldn't handle missing that

leogachi 15

@41 Sounds like you need some therapy.

How can you complain? Sounds like your life is great! You missed it today but it'll happen again

leogachi 15

@43 That's what I was thinking. It sounds like he wasn't even expecting sex, so he didn't really miss anything. Plus his girlfriend wants to be sexy for him. His life sounds great.

You could always do it while she's's not rape if she likes it..or doesn't know

harmtouch16 11

so what? I freiking LOVE being woken up for middle of the night sex.

That's what IM sayin'! Try telling that to the cops..... they didn't believe me.

am I the only one that thinks that's sweet

moocowmilk0 19

You guys have all the time in the world tomorrow

Go to bed naked. That will worry her! *Side effects include break ups*

leogachi 15