By virgo - 30/01/2010 06:50 - France

Today, I had to lie to my therapist about my sex life to make me feel better. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 227
You deserved it 6 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That makes no sense lying to your therapist...He or she is there to help fix a problem. I hope you don't lie to your doctor.

The only person you're hurting is yourself. dumbass.


original_angie 0
perdix 29

By lying to your therapist, you are telling them far more about you than you expect. He or she knows you are lying and gauges the depth of you disease by your pathetic attempt to seem sexually normal. Maybe your therapist will **** you so you can quit whining so much. A ***** would have been cheaper, but chumps like you deserve to overpay for services.

Don't lie to a therapist. They're not there to judge you, they're there to help you. Maybe he could help you get more sex? Don't worry, therapists hear far worse than that...

Most folks only wish they could afford a decent therapist and your wastin yours time???!!!!! YDI as youll get NO sympathy here...

African_diva 0

that's stupid. ydi. btw ur therapist probably knows yur lying. smh. nice way to throw ur $$$ away