By hairynips - 10/10/2012 19:07 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I had to lie to my boyfriend and tell him that the red bumps around my nipples was heat rash, rather than admit it was actually razor burn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 252
You deserved it 9 592

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And instead of telling your boyfriend, you told the entire Internet!

That's the biggest myth ever. You only have so many follicles on your body. Sure, it may appear thick at first, but that's because the ends of the hairs are blunted. As the hair grows, it will split and damage which in turn will thin it out. As for darkness, shaving won't change melanin... Darkness is genetic.


I thought you were going to say pimples...hairy ****-eh not so gross. As long as you shave them, not letting those hairy boobies run wild

I know how that feels... Sometimes girls can have hair on their chest and nipples too. It's very embarrassing telling your boyfriend when you miss a waxing/tweezing/shaving session. A lot of people make fun.

Completely off topic, but the jacket you're wearing on your picture is really cute haha.

bladedrose 3

Agreed! It shows great taste, your career goals show a brilliant mind, and if that's really you in the pic, your beautiful as well. I don't think you need to worry ^.^

alot of people? i dunno bout you but i personally do not go anywhere with my nips hangin out

Razors are not made for shaving hairy nips! Hopefully you picked up on that after getting burned.

lacespace 8

Wax. You're gonna make it worse by shaving sweet ****.

olpally 32

I just threw my dinner out from that comment Noor. Thank you for that disturbing image.

perdix 29

Just grow it out and tell him it's your chia pet