Bad women's anatomy

By RazorBumps - 16/12/2009 05:15 - United States

Today, my boyfriend asked me why I have "crotch acne". When I attempted to explain that I have razor bumps from shaving, he got mad and said I was lying and insecure about my obvious facial and bodily acne problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 088
You deserved it 3 501

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ouch! i hate that, steal his shaving cream, use moisturiser and don't scratch :) What an idiot though...wait to **** block himself!

baby_gurl2405 0

haha stop shaving and let him see what happens then :P


lickmyjock 0

First, and dump him? Or admit you have the herpes.

lickmyjock 0


coldplaylive2003 0

read it again, OP isn't shaving her face, she's shaving her crotch.

dudeitsdanny 9

"facial and bodily acne problem" #6 is being ironic. If one of them is razor bumps, then the other must be, too. Since she doesn't shave, then it's crotch acne. Gets it? I confoosed myself. =D

ouch! i hate that, steal his shaving cream, use moisturiser and don't scratch :) What an idiot though...wait to **** block himself!

MsShayeShaye 0

Don't go against the grain! Idk where I heard that phrase. It's supposed to be for men shaving there face I think but it works for everything

baby_gurl2405 0

haha stop shaving and let him see what happens then :P

SillyPoop 0

I laughed so hard! So true...grow a bush! He'll like that better. Get a better razor and moisturizer for sensitive skin. Ouch. Crotch a dumb ass...hahaha

xX504DBXx 0

the dude would most likely shit himself. for the sake of your boyfriend. and him most likely telling his friends. do not grow a bush.

A lot of guys like that, I don't know what you're talking about.

wax instead of shaving! it's more painful, but lasts longer and it won't give you nasty bumps. also, dump your boyfriend. what a jerk

thebestofboth 20

You can get ingrown hairs from that, which is actually more gross.

AntiChrist7 0

Is it just me or have there been a lot of FMLs about acne in the last few days? Is it a winter thing?

peroxideprincess 0

OP's from Florida they don't have winter in Florida...

I was led to believe all the FMLs were hair related lately: first the guy who complains about a girlfriend hairier than him, then a girl complaining about her boyfriend wondering if girls possess armpit hair, and now a guy who’s ignorant regarding the effects of hair removal. All of this leading me to one conclusion: the OPs are all prepubescent morons (unfortunately finally have to agree with AntiChrist7) who are dating… prepubescent morons.

Yeah, Florida sucks like that. I get terribly sick when the weather changes on and off. Why can't it stay one season? Anyways. OP, hes an idiot, don't let it get to you.

people see an FML and it reminds them of something similar that happened to them, so there tend to be trends.

Crotchne is even hotter than bacne, chestne and arme all rolled into one. Yum yum.

schhichick 14
whoisthisgirl 4

you, my good sir are stupid. razor bumps do occur while one shaves. it has nothing to do how often one showers.