By hairynips - 10/10/2012 19:07 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I had to lie to my boyfriend and tell him that the red bumps around my nipples was heat rash, rather than admit it was actually razor burn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 252
You deserved it 9 592

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And instead of telling your boyfriend, you told the entire Internet!

That's the biggest myth ever. You only have so many follicles on your body. Sure, it may appear thick at first, but that's because the ends of the hairs are blunted. As the hair grows, it will split and damage which in turn will thin it out. As for darkness, shaving won't change melanin... Darkness is genetic.


What kinda nasty woman has hairy ****? Gross.........

KiddNYC1O 20

?pcos. go to your doctor and get your hormones checked out. you shouldnt be embarrassed. people get hair on their chest/lips/chin

Dodge4x4Ram 46

going to comment before you 1 day noorFML

rebeccac3 5

No shaving! On any area other than legs, underarms, that is it. Hair removal cream!! Wax for tougher areas like bikini, legs. Signed a professional

SenselessPattern 12

I've got leftovers from the last vomit orgy in my fridge. Hang on, let me go thaw it out...

kitties_fml 12

you are damn stupid. someone's gonna be looking at your ****, and you decide to shave practically the most sensitive skin on your body? it's called tweezers, or nair ("hair removal cream").

Gah, can't believe you'd ever use a razor on your nips D: I'd either tweeze or just leave it be.

SportyShain 10
j3ebrules 13

Why the hell are you shaving your breasts? Peach fuzz is acceptable... Now if u look like an ape, that would be the justifiable time to shave.