By facepalm - 12/09/2011 08:07 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to explain to my boyfriend that a tornado is not the same thing as a hurricane. I couldn't convince him, and he still won't talk to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 133
You deserved it 3 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

But...but...but... they both swirl.


Well... I guess a hurricane can be considered a tornado that forms over water... They are actually both very similar with Hot and cold air being the creator... Just one over water, one over land.

They are COMPLETELY DEFFERENT PHENOMENA. Look them up and then realise how silly you feel for saying that.

Bigpimpinboomer 0

Tornadoes are a vacuum. So to dumb it down for you. They suck. Whereas hurricanes blow. Both are cyclonic....meaning they rotate clockwise. Typhoons (hurricanes in the southern hemisphere) are anticyclonic. But, in rare cases tornadoes can be too. Now go hang out with OP's boyfriend.....dumbass.

Actually, it's the other way around. Tornadoes and tropical cyclones (hurricanes and tropical storms are techcnially tropical cyclones) rotate counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern. And they are completely different. Tornadoes form over land, are fairly small, and last for minutes. They move relatively quickly over land. Tornadoes are rather unpredictable and hard to gauge where they are headed because they move so fast. Hurricanes form over water, require warm water to strengthen, are hundreds of miles wide--did you not watch ANY coverage of Irene? That thing was HUGE--and weaken and break apart over land. Hurricanes can last for days, usually for about a week from formation to dissipation, although some storms have lasted two weeks. They also move relatively slowly, giving meteorologists plenty of time to chart the course so officials know whether or not a region can be evacuated.

That's by FAR not the dumbest thing I ever read on FML - F All our lives

i had to talk to a lot of people at school today about it, nobody listens when you tell them you cant get hurricanes in the uk -.- just because there's a freakish storm outside . its really sad when a year of people my age (16) and about to finish their last optional year of school dont know basic things like this

Oh dear. Hate to be rude, but he is far from the brightest crayon in the box...

In Florida we get tornados but they only come when hurricanes do, so that could b the prob

Come marry me and I will put anything you say up in the air and if it's not true or true I will still talk you.

This is the repercussion of cutting geography class.

@71 How lonely and sad are you that you will offer to marry someone based on an FML?

dump the bonehead. Find someone you can have an intelligent conversation with.