By facepalm - 12/09/2011 08:07 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to explain to my boyfriend that a tornado is not the same thing as a hurricane. I couldn't convince him, and he still won't talk to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 133
You deserved it 3 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

But...but...but... they both swirl.


Tell him if their the same thing then why their two different names??!??!??

drawmesunshine 17

Your comment is a disgrace to the name of dubstep. Stop that.

georgegnarlin 0

Which preschool did you pick him up at?

sweetsourangel 1

You're not playing the game right, men are always right. Get with the program.LOL...drop the loser...

wait till you have to explain the difference between cyclone and twister ;)

jad56_fml 0

They're the same thing. Different regions call them different names.

ZielZone 4

LoL... So now you know you're dating an idiot!! PLEASE DON'T BREED!!

Hurricanes Basically start out as multiple tornadoes out at sea that converge and gain power from the warm humid air. He wasn't far off.

Dear OP, ...your screen name pretty much sums up the proper first stage procedure in how to treat this situation. Step two is realizing, and accepting... you chose to date this boy. Step three... repeat step one, then go find yourself an adult to court. Happy hunting!

leadman1989 15

Meh they're both low pressure systems. Meteorologist just like being fancy, if it were up to them there'd classify your farts as storm systems.