By haayloo - 19/10/2010 02:40 - Canada

Today, I had just finished re-completing all my assignments because I had lost my USB last week. I reached into my pocket for gum, instead I found the USB that I had apparently lost. I spent my weekend alone rather than spending time with my friends. I don't have another weekend off for a month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 286
You deserved it 29 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better that then a F. Still got the rest of your life.

Chrisskiies 0

aha. where do you suggest they keep gum then???


3DLoli 0

Do you mean a flash drive? There are many things that are USB. External hard drives, mice, microphones, tablets, iPod/iPhone chargers, etc. I suggest you learn the difference. You sound pretty stupid.

hey ******* retard, its a flash drive. the usb is the plug in and shit. lol

sucky op, check everywhere next time!!

Any information should be saved twice... one on the computer and one on a flash...

Random0Ryan 0

impersonate ur min, dad and call out sick for a week, then kidnap your friends and force them to do things with you or they ever pass whatever grade ur in.

No pity for anybody who doesn't make backups.

Your comment :Must be nice to be in school and not in a job in the real world!

sarahk2011 0

They are most likely in high school or in college preparing themselves to get a better job than anyone who doesn't go to college will get.

blayke96 8

That will just make the next weekend you have off that much more special.

yenidewi 11

seems someone had forgotten to wash his clothes ... :p