By haayloo - 19/10/2010 02:40 - Canada

Today, I had just finished re-completing all my assignments because I had lost my USB last week. I reached into my pocket for gum, instead I found the USB that I had apparently lost. I spent my weekend alone rather than spending time with my friends. I don't have another weekend off for a month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 286
You deserved it 29 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better that then a F. Still got the rest of your life.

Chrisskiies 0

aha. where do you suggest they keep gum then???


Jerzyginger74 0

YDI for not putting it somewhere safe. Just sayin.

at least you're responsible enough to show up and show out when it countz da most!!

denvan 0

Next time just email yourself the paper to be on the safe side

next time email you assignments to yourself. this way you can't lose them. don't worry I learned it the hard way too.

you cant have a USB. that doesn't make sence

thank you, someone who understands a USB is a type of connector. OP why do you have USB ports in your pants.

dudeitsdanny 9

And the word thumbdrive one day turned into USB and it's not considered incorrect nor misunderstood except by snobs who pretend to be smart. A big part of the words you use started out as something else, so STFU or go back in time.

my brothers in the Military. army - infantry in Afghan. he never has a weekend off. get over it.

my brothers in the Military. army - infantry in Afghan at the moment. no weekends off. you'll get over it.

You lost your universal serial bus? Remarkable, seeing as how its integrated into your computer :P