By akiza - 17/11/2012 02:00 - Japan

Today, I had awful morning sickness, and I asked my husband if he'd get me a drink while I went to the bathroom. On the way back, I witnessed him spitting in the glass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 523
You deserved it 2 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments


conqueror57 11

Research "proves" that the baby's father's semen is a cure for morning sickness. Maybe he didn't want to be a jerk by coming in your water and thought spitting in it might serve the same purpose??

no, her husband is just an insensitive jerk

61- I'll give you the benefit of doubt and imagine you believe you're funny, but where the HELL did you come up with that explanation? And why is "proves" in quotation marks?

fathead123456 3

Get out. He's obviously an asshole.

naughtylez82 4

Wow op fyl indeed. Your husband is a jerk. Some things that helped when I was pregnant was minty stuff. Gum, breath mints things like that.

When you give birth, save the afterbirth and find a way to mix it into his next meal. See how he likes that.

BellaBelle_fml 23

That is so completely sick and twisted…it's genius really.

Kallian_fml 21

He just wanted to contribute to his babies development. Delicious nutritious spit. Mmmm.

BellaBelle_fml 23

I think OP's husband has contributed enough to the development of their child by impregnating her.

OP sorry husband did that, very disrespectful! I'd kick his ass first and ask why after (after you're done puking) sorry I know morning sickness sucks. Hope you feel better soon, and hubby stops acting like d-bag and is a good dad

If my husband did this to me (not knowing I was watching him) I would be inclined to be afraid of him. He obviously hates you. Get away from him.

BellaBelle_fml 23

The only true sick person in this situation is the OP's husband.