By akiza - 17/11/2012 02:00 - Japan

Today, I had awful morning sickness, and I asked my husband if he'd get me a drink while I went to the bathroom. On the way back, I witnessed him spitting in the glass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 523
You deserved it 2 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Nissi 17

What the hell? Divorce his ass.

ickda 5

spitting in a womens glass is believed as a myth by some to make females horny, he wanted sex pure and simple. dame so many comments and not one person thout of this? sad men sad you should now all 20 of these myth by now.

That's disgusting behaviour. What an incredibly inconsiderate, mean spirited douchebag. I know he's your husband and all, but that's just downright disrespectful in so many ways.

That's the first time I heard about this... o.O Weird people believe weird things.

ever heard the term swapping spit? each time you kiss him it has the exact same effect. why would you even care? its gross sure but tbh he is your husband and you have surely kissed him by now meaning you've tasted his spit get over it

You know swallowing his load will help you with your morning sickness, as long as its his baby. He will enjoy it, also. Don't believe me? look it up.

You're an idiot. Look it up yourself, dumbass.

Maybe OP oopsed her husband. If not, it may be abortion time.

The censors deleted my comment. Apparently, if you vent an opinion, you're now a h8er troll.