By akiza - 17/11/2012 02:00 - Japan

Today, I had awful morning sickness, and I asked my husband if he'd get me a drink while I went to the bathroom. On the way back, I witnessed him spitting in the glass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 523
You deserved it 2 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I don't get it, why did he spit into the glass?

Sorry but thats grounds for divorce. He HATES you! you would only spit in the glass of someone you hate. furthermore, you cant trust him now! no telling WHAT he is doing to your food, your toothbrush, its time to move on! I wouldnt even want to leave the baby with him.

That is foul! wtf was he thinking? Just curious about that, since its okay to spit in peoples drinks, like never. Especially pregnant women.

nissan31 2

What did u do to make him hate u

I think he needs some urine in his coffee!