By Allie - 29/10/2009 23:44 - United States

Today, I got a text from my boyfriend that said, "Last week was the most embarassing time of my life, we're over." He was of course referring to the seizure that I had due to my epilepsy at Olive Garden. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 137
You deserved it 2 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

morningwoody 0

You do not need him anyway. Go find someone who really care about you.

Yeah, on one hand it sucks, on the other, you are better off without him. Good luck!


That's RUDE! I have epilepsy, but thankfully my bf isn't so shallow!!

musiciangirl591 16

OMGOSH! so rude and uncaring, i have epilepsy and i'm overjoyed to have a boyfriend who cares enough and loves me enough to look past that (especially since he called my parents the one time i had a seizure while i was skyping him)

needsagf14 12

If he can't take that then it's a good thing you don't have to deal with that asshole anymore

missalice0306 19

Bullsh-t. He already wanted to break up with you, but still needed a reason. He just happened to choose the most insensitive one. What a coward.

What a jerk. He doesn't deserve you. It's not your fault you had a seizure. Poor OP

So, I agree with most of you. It would have been okay if he just couldn't handle the disease, and nicely explained and apologized in person, but to do it over text and call her an embarrassment... He's kinda a Twat Waffle.

I know how? you feel due to my epilepsy..some people don't talk to me.

This is coming from a guy, but he's an asshole

doglover100 28