By Allie - 29/10/2009 23:44 - United States

Today, I got a text from my boyfriend that said, "Last week was the most embarassing time of my life, we're over." He was of course referring to the seizure that I had due to my epilepsy at Olive Garden. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 137
You deserved it 2 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

morningwoody 0

You do not need him anyway. Go find someone who really care about you.

Yeah, on one hand it sucks, on the other, you are better off without him. Good luck!


Someone should tell him that acting like a dick won't make his any bigger

You should go see a doctor. There's medicine that you can take to stop the seizures and if you are have seizures then it's damaging your brain. You could eventually be mentally retarded. So please see a doctor! Plus if that guy is "embarrassed" by your condition then your better off without him. If he can't accept and love everything about you then you don't need him!

My thought: If he rejects you for something you can't help, then the sooner you get rid of him, the better. Don't be so upset over that jerk. You don't need him anyway.


know your role and shit wont happen. having a seizure on a date without giving up the ass is inexcusable. bitch. i would have poured your entree on the floor and made u lick it while u shook.

I feel I also have seizures. But u should try what I do: GO TO A NUEROLOGIST AND GET MEDICINE!!!!!!!!!!

HalfLit 17

Good riddance to that asshole.

randybryant799 20

He is a piece of shit. You can do much better. I'm sure it was hurtful but it's good to know his true colors.