By Allie - 29/10/2009 23:44 - United States

Today, I got a text from my boyfriend that said, "Last week was the most embarassing time of my life, we're over." He was of course referring to the seizure that I had due to my epilepsy at Olive Garden. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 137
You deserved it 2 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

morningwoody 0

You do not need him anyway. Go find someone who really care about you.

Yeah, on one hand it sucks, on the other, you are better off without him. Good luck!


Make him have a seizure, laugh, and draw penises on his forehead with permanent marker. After that, blame him for wasting your time. Honestly, he deserves it.

jennifer42293 4

So rude!! You are way better without him, a real man would be by you throughout anything, especially when it comes to health. Smh.

my solution? I woulda punched that bitch.... in the face and balls......and sent him a text that made him feel bad for every imperfection he had and make him feel really really bad about calling epilepsy embarassing. That shit is unforgiveable

iBiteRoses 22

How would anyone deserve to be criticized for having epilepsy?

Tell him to suck a nut. I'm epileptic too.

mowmowlife 21

FYL only because you were ever with such a dirtbag. Happy fishing!

DylansMomma 9

Your comment: What a jerk, OP! You deserve much better.

What a horrible little boy! He should be kicked in the face repeatedly for being such a POS!