By danrocketman - 05/10/2010 05:16 - United States

Today, I got a job in my university library. My job title is technical services. My actual job is pulling off the book label for the scanner and putting a new one on. For six hours a day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 974
You deserved it 4 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Suck it. You're in Texas, you should be grateful you have an indoor job. When I see those poor bastards working on the roads, or building houses or mowing lawns (and all of us know what the vast majority of them look like), I admire their willingness to work like that and am not all that concerned exactly how they got into this country. When I was in college, I had a job in the library drilling holes through several issues of magazines and journals and binding them together between pieces of cardboard. It would have totally sucked, except the university subscribed to a wide array of **** "for research purposes." jkjkjk!


Hey my summer job was taking 50lbs of spices and measuring them out into 1lb bags for 12 hours a day. Spices screw up your congestion so bad even if you have no allergies.

StrayXL 0

Its a job stop complaining at least you don't have to clean up other people's shit for a job

simply2010 0

Ahhh that would drive me crazy! the people on here giving you a hard time either have no job or have a good job. thats an FML for sure! aha but count your blessing- you got a job! :)

NinjaOfLove 0

oh no, I have a paying job in a temperature controlled environment where I have to sit on my ass and switch labels. my life is terrible beyond belief, boo hoo. suck it up, princess.

that_nerdy_sock 3

I agree with some people here. At least you have a job.

You're complaining that you have a job. You need to die.

I was thinking, "Wow, #93, overract much?" Then I saw your name. Well played!

76 quarters is more that 1 twenty dollar bill

zfchatroulette 24

no its not youre a math teacher arent you

missalice0306 19

Your life is f-ed because you have a job. Oh we all feel so sorry for you

Well, at least congrats on the job! I have the same job at my university. The first few months were rather boring, but then the staff started giving me other things to do. It gets better!