By a - 21/05/2009 19:18 - United Kingdom

Today, I got a call saying that my son was chasing all the girls in the class with his "Sword of Death", otherwise known as my dildo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 489
You deserved it 109

Top comments

#5, where do you expect her to keep it? In a locked safe behind the picture of Grandma and Grandad hanging at the top of the landing 7ft off the floor with a high-tech alarm system and a self-destruct mode if the fingerprint scanner recognises it to be the fingerprint of someone under the age of 18?

Antonio718 0

It wasn't being put into use anyways...


that should be in a movie like american pie or something xD

Equinox987 0

Sword of death is the single most amazing name for a ***** I've ever heard. From now on when I'm with the wife, I shall suggest slaying her with the sword of death. This is your legacy to the world OP hahaha

#143 - your parents are weird and so are you. OP - that sucks but is extremely hilarious because I can only imagine what was running through the teacher's mind when she took away your son's 'Sword of Death'. Seriously... how do you even start that conversation? Teacher: "Yeah, so your son was chasing girls in class today... Mom: "Oh, you know boys will be boys..." Teacher: "...with a giant *****. And I must say Mrs. so-and-so... it might be a good investment to get one that isn't 18 inches long. Seriously, it'll be much easier to find hiding spots." Did they give it back to you or do you have to wait til the end of the school year?? LOL I'm sorry I just couldn't help myself. BTW - grammar Nazis, it would be a wise investment to stab yourself, because if you're getting upset over internet grammar... your life is already useless (although # 58 was pretty nonsensical)

Lilyoda_fml 0

This situation leads to the awkward and prematurely early sex talk about the birds and the ******.

awesome. and everyone, **** off. a ***** is not "dangerous", you don't need to hide it from a child. what harm can it make? is just a piece of plastic shaped like a penis. it's not like it's a gun, it can't kill you, there's nothing wrong with it. As long as it's clean, what's the big deal?

itsgen 16

wow EPIC FAIL!! and woah great parenting skill right???

shani__ 0

#20 is hillarious. #35 is awesome. If he is chasing the GIRLS in his class with his "Sword of death" maybe he is old enough to know 1. he likes girls and 2. he could have been holding it in his crotch area and chasing them. makes sense. FYL, but YDI

jeanniner 0

That could possibly be the name for a porno.