By a - 21/05/2009 19:18 - United Kingdom

Today, I got a call saying that my son was chasing all the girls in the class with his "Sword of Death", otherwise known as my dildo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 489
You deserved it 109

Top comments

#5, where do you expect her to keep it? In a locked safe behind the picture of Grandma and Grandad hanging at the top of the landing 7ft off the floor with a high-tech alarm system and a self-destruct mode if the fingerprint scanner recognises it to be the fingerprint of someone under the age of 18?

Antonio718 0

It wasn't being put into use anyways...


omg, thats awesome. chasing little girls with a *****. "come over here my little pretty, put this somewhere where you feel conformable" lol

skierguy 0

Oh man, where's the video camera when you need it? This would be perfect Youtube material.

pezgordo_1 0

then don't leave it lying around. and I wouldn't use that now.. you never know where it's been..

Sword of death? That big huh? Ha ha ha

I2OI3 0

I used to have a ***** called the sword of death, maybe it's the same one??

LMFAO! man thats too funny. was it liek 17 inches or pounds liek the one that knocked the guy off in youtube or something

Funny how the grammar Nazis are the ones that you'll end up working for..

kakakaty 0

Ha..I'm sorry..but thats funny!

misterman2 3

His sword of death probably smelled so bad.

suaveneanderthal 0

lol # 134 he probably called it that because he thought anyone standing within 5 ft of it would choke and die. And hey at least he didnt bring it to school calling it his lollipop that never gets smaller!!