By Michael - 05/06/2009 21:42 - United States

Today, I found the source of the bad smell that has been plaguing me for the past two weeks in my apartment. The police knocked on my door asking if I've seen my neighbor recently. I haven't. The smell has been that of a dead person. It's a smell that even Febreze can't remove. FML
I agree, your life sucks 85 134
You deserved it 5 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Curtieeeez 0

Gotta love the smell of dead people in the mornin!


Sounds like Police thought you did it. You must look creepy

I can easily believe this happened. Not the OP's fault. I do not, however, believe that Febreze couldn't get rid of the smell. After three days of heavy Febreze crop dusting, you shouldn't be able to smell anything.

i'd find a new place to live. that's just wierd.

dancergirl743 0

I think your real problem is the whole your neighbor is dead thing, not the smell in your apartment. RIP neighbor.

uncommonlyjulz 0

Try OZIUM That is what we used when my grandma died in her house

Twinfools2431 0

that is funny even the part wit the dead guy

DUDE! The same thing happened to my best friend last year. His neighbor in the apartment below died and wasn't found for two weeks. Here are a few things: 1) you don't realize at first because it's not terribly strong, smells like bad garbage. It wasn't until the police found him and OPENED the apartment that the smell fills and kills. 2) it will NOT just clear away easily. It sticks to EVERYTHING. It stuck to everything my friend owned, and he even brought it to the office with him and for a week our office smelled like a morgue. 3) Febreeze will NOT work. Never. If it's really bad you will need to use a special gasing or professional cleaning. Human decomp does NOT just drift away, it's a TERRIBLE cleaning process. Your neighbor's place will need to be stripped down and professionally cleaned to have a CHANCE of it going away. 4) my friend ultimately had to move to a new apartment. The complex waited a month to clean the man's apartment, and no matter how hard my friend cleaned, the smell always came right back. When we were helping him move 6 weeks later, I could still smell it hovering around the area. 5) if it's stuck in your clothes, try washing your clothes with vinegar, it helped for him. 6) you will NEVER mistake that smell again. Ever. Nothing else compares to it and you will never forget it. Sorry to hear you are going through it. I only smelled it for a short time and THAT was unbearable.