By Michael - 05/06/2009 21:42 - United States

Today, I found the source of the bad smell that has been plaguing me for the past two weeks in my apartment. The police knocked on my door asking if I've seen my neighbor recently. I haven't. The smell has been that of a dead person. It's a smell that even Febreze can't remove. FML
I agree, your life sucks 85 134
You deserved it 5 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Curtieeeez 0

Gotta love the smell of dead people in the mornin!


ShelbyG 0

Damn. I'd Lysol that bitch and move! Thats sick! Oh crap. I hope it wasnt hot and humid outside. ...........What'd it smell like? **Curiosity Is Digusting**

sadlife67 0

its a smell not even febreeze can remove wtf is wrong with u someone died. thats no time to joke about it

drummerpro360 0

2946rtfr/14, wtf? Arnt people dead for like, ever? "2 weeks is a long time" fuking idiot... OP, that sucks :-/

Wait you're neighbor dies and all you can think about is the stupid smell! Man I know it's gotta be terrible but come on! Show respect.

Dat's vun veird FML... though, how could you not have noticed that a tenant of such close proximity to you has been unprecedentededly missing, completely unbenounced whilst exuding an odd, deteriorating smell? Ok...

Supposedly cinnamon is like a counter-smell or something to decay you should try that

soccerloverrrfol 0

EW. It's been 2 weeks come on buddy get with the program

Oh man thats horrible. The smell of a dead body is horrendous