By Michael - 05/06/2009 21:42 - United States

Today, I found the source of the bad smell that has been plaguing me for the past two weeks in my apartment. The police knocked on my door asking if I've seen my neighbor recently. I haven't. The smell has been that of a dead person. It's a smell that even Febreze can't remove. FML
I agree, your life sucks 85 134
You deserved it 5 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Curtieeeez 0

Gotta love the smell of dead people in the mornin!


i keep smelling that same smell down in my basement.. hmm.

if you live in an apartment building, you probably won't bump into your neighbor much

scooterrr 0

man...i hate it when that happens..

F YOUR life? I'm thinking f your neighbor's life.

Shy88 0

That's f**ked up.. rip to the person next door

That is awesome, I am so happy for you.

SlyCooper601 0

I say dis is more of a fml for da dead guy ((even though he technically has no life))