By livin - 11/09/2009 06:10 - United States

Today, I found out that on Wednesday, when I have 2 exams, I'm called to testify in court. If I go to court, I cannot make the exams. If I take the exams, I'll be held in contempt and arrested. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 176
You deserved it 5 928

Same thing different taste

Top comments

call your instructors. they should let you take the exams another day due to your court appearence. if they won't talk to the dean. sucks that you have to go to court though.

Gesq1 0

This is simple. Show the subpoena to your professor. If you haven't been subpoenaed then you're not under a legal obligation to attend - unless you've been previously ordered by the judge to be there. Have one of the lawyers write a quick letter. There are things you can do here. Don't just wallow on FML.


YDI for being a retard. F your moms life for giving birth to a waste of space like you.

You can retake the exams if you're in court. If they refuse, take them to court.

Any professor who would not give you an opportunity to take the tests is an idiot. If they give you a hard time about it go to the dean of the college if you have to. Never forget where the money comes from that pays their paycheck. It's the #1 rule of higher education.

To all the noobs talking about "jury duty for students" the FML again. Jurors do not testify. The Professor will give him a chance to re-do the tests, due to the legal obligation the guy has. If the prof. refuses to give him a retest, you pull out the legal action threat against him and the educational institution. Life is simple, stop over-complicating things.

aimeec3 0

Last year I had to testify in court right before my final exams and legally your professors have to let you retake the test since it is out of your control. Just bring your summons to your professor and have them reschedule. Also, take my advice and don't reschedule for the day after you testify cause you will not want to study after.

Queenbea27 0

You know if you show the school your subpoena, they will be legally required to let you take the tests on a different day?

Idk how this was even allowed through. It's not a FML at all. Like everyone before me stated, the OP should have no problem making up the exams. In the States, by law (w/ documentation) you're excused for health reasons, death in family, and court appearances (including jury duty). I think military folks also have leniency, but I'm not too sure how that works. So, again, not an FML.