By livin - 11/09/2009 06:10 - United States

Today, I found out that on Wednesday, when I have 2 exams, I'm called to testify in court. If I go to court, I cannot make the exams. If I take the exams, I'll be held in contempt and arrested. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 176
You deserved it 5 928

Same thing different taste

Top comments

call your instructors. they should let you take the exams another day due to your court appearence. if they won't talk to the dean. sucks that you have to go to court though.

Gesq1 0

This is simple. Show the subpoena to your professor. If you haven't been subpoenaed then you're not under a legal obligation to attend - unless you've been previously ordered by the judge to be there. Have one of the lawyers write a quick letter. There are things you can do here. Don't just wallow on FML.


No_fyl_cuz_ydi 0

law requires you to appear on court and the school is required to let you make up the exams talk to the dean if you have to and next time don't wait til the last minute dumbass ydi

crazeddarkness 0

If you had actually read the jury summons when you got it these is a STUDENT exception to jury duty which you could have taken advantage of

lem0n_fml 0

for the thousandth time, read the FML again, it's not JURY DUTY. the OP is testifying. and no, in some states there is no student exception. I live in Mass but go to school in Ohio, and I am required to do jury duty in both states, even if Mass calls me for jury duty WHILE I'm in Ohio. You can ask for a change of date but you can't be excused just because you're a student.

probably hard for the op to read the jury summons, given that he hasn't received that document on account of not being called for jury duty

ryansims 0

you can reschedule the exams for court reasons the exam giver would understand

Explain it to the professor. This is a really extraordinary circumstance that I think any fair professor would give you a pass and let you take it another day. Show him/her the court papers if they want proof.

That's annoying to be sure, but Professors would be understanding about something like this.

Lazybastard50 0

Actually depending on the case you may be able to give your deposition before the court date. This happened to me. I was subpoenaed, the date was during final exams. I called the attourney that sent it. Told them of my exams. All I had to do was go to their offices and give my written deposition.

hazelwolfeyes 0

um...if you speak with your professors about it... im sure they will let you make it up...dont wait til last min.

Just curious, OP, if one of your two exams is on any kind of legal law, because that would make this more ironic. BTW, this is not an FML because your professors should let you take the exam earlier or at another scheduled date if you approach them with the right attitude, poise, and of course documentation of the scheduled court appearance.

Kristoffer 35

Under such circumstances, they are legally required to allow you to take the exams at another time.

you can retake the exams anyway, if you dont get the date changed because they clashes days. this isnt a fml its just a pain in the neck *stabs*